Thriving Organisations

Organisation as Adaptive Ecosystem

As a leader of an organisation or a team, the insights and tools you will learn in this workshop will give you the keys to tap into your ultimate competitive advantage.

Today, organisations of any size have access to state-of-the-art technology and best practices such as strategy definition, latest marketing and sales processes, finance and quality management tools, and more. In the Information era these tools have become a “waterline” of current industry standards. Moreover, disruption can come from any direction, any arena, any time. To proactively catch the opportunities brought by the change, tap into the source of the real competitive advantage - your organisational health.

Draw on the latest research and best consulting experience around the world to learn the actionable steps to create a work culture that will lead to a high performance and sustain a long-term success.

Key Takeaways

• Learn the pillars of high-performance culture and how to adapt it to your organisation

• Assess the actual health of your organisation and your improvement axes

• Discover the Top Performance Toolbox

• Get the assessment report : analysis, summary and recommendations (10-15 pages)

Workshop Duration: 3 hours