About us

"A world where the workplace is a source of personal growth and an opportunity to realise people’s potential so every person can contribute to society in a meaningful way.” 

- Our Vision

Welcome to Leopolis Executive Consulting

We are a performance consultancy dedicated to creating a sustainable high-performance work culture where people and teams can reach their full potential and thrive while minimising organisational barriers.

We help you deliver high-performance in technology, engineering, and science. Build adaptive capacity and creative collaboration by applying simple, yet powerful tools rooted in latest advances in research and cutting-edge practice worldwide.

New leadership for the knowledge economy

The world is shifting from industrial to knowledge-based economies, powered by tech breakthroughs and social changes. Knowledge, information, and intellectual capital drive growth and competitiveness. Hierarchies give way to agile models, offering growth, innovation, and sustainability in the digital age.

Consulting Services

We help shaping agile, adaptive, and forward-thinking enterprises fit for success in the Knowledge Economy era.

We stand by your side as you transition towards a philosophy centered on people.


  • I am a firm believer in the power of knowledge workers to drive innovation on the global business arena. Our commitment is to equip leaders and managers with the tools and strategies needed to cultivate psychological safety, purpose, engagement, and peak organisational performance, enabling knowledge workers to unleash their full potential, creating sustainable value for their stakeholders and society as a whole.

Elvira Booth, PhD, HSDP

With over 15 years of hands-on experience, Elvira served as both a manager and consultant for innovative organisations, spanning the spectrum from global industry leaders to high-tech startups.

Elvira holds a PhD degree from the Swiss Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, as well as a Harvard Business School Specialisation in Leadership & Management.

Elvira is a certified Associate of the Human System Dynamics Institute (HSDI www.hsdinstitute.org), as well as Participatory Leadership Practitioner (participatoryleadership.eu).


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.