Holistic approach: organisation as living system

Building a high-performance culture

Today, exponential change has become the norm and organisational models need to adapt. Performance relies on built-in flexibility, innovation and teamwork. Today’s leaders need to shift from command and control to facilitation and empowerment. How can you gain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving landscape of the VUCA world?

Organisation as dynamic, adaptive ecosystem

Modern organisations are moving beyond the models of the industrial era, which viewed them as machines executing predefined functions. A global paradigm shift is emerging: organisations designed as living ecosystems.

CALEAPSO Framework ®

Collaboration - Agility - Leadership - Emergence - Adaptability - Purpose - Self-Organisation

At Leopolis, we’ve developed CALEAPSO Framework ® helping you to ignite superior performance across the 4 key dimensions of organisational ecosystems:

  • Leadership

  • Structures

  • Processes & Systems

  • Organisational Culture

Sustainable high performance

We help you build empowered teams, develop leaders at every level, achieve agility in your management processes and create a purpose-centred company culture rooted in creative collaboration.

Adapt Quickly Through Process Agility

Manage processes - Lead people. Leopolis helps you achieve excellence in processes crucial to organisational success - decision-making, strategy, implementation, and change management, on your road to a high performance culture.

Build Top Performing Teams

Learn how to transform groups of individuals to form high-performing teams, establish trust and drastically increase employee motivation.

Our programmes are designed to help you achieve optimal team composition and ignite high personal engagement for every member of your team.

Develop Leadership at Every Level

We approach leadership development by seeing your leaders at the start of a chain.

Our tailor-made Participative Leadership Programmes help you develop highly cohesive executive teams, implement ownership at all levels, and boost employee engagement and intrinsic motivation.

Create a Human-Centred Culture

Transition from competitive to collaborative work culture.

Discover the insights and tools that will equip you to start building a human-centred workplace. Learn the steps to build a healthy culture and achieve the most valuable competitive advantage in today’s Knowledge Economy.

Increase competence, autonomy and teamwork. Tailor-made workshops and programs for leaders and teams.

Get in touch.