your events in a

participative format

A new form of leadership is emerging in organizations and communities today. These pioneering leaders help people to make sense of complexity, see patterns clearly, and to thrive amidst uncertainty. They connect diverse perspectives and inspire courage to address complex challenges, to find creative possibilities for all.

Are you a forward-thinking leader?

dare to motivate differently!

energize your events!

  • engage groups of any size in authentic conversations about what matters most

  • boost lively exchange of ideas and experiences with hospitable environment and skilled facilitation

  • create a vibrant community by bringing together diverse participants profiles

add a participative touch to your events

boost authentic exchanges

method: the circle way

The Circle conversation is a dialogue method adaptable to a variety of groups, issues and timeframes. It is suitable for an authentic exchange, a deep reflexion, or a group decision-making. The circle is an all-leader group: leadership rotates among all circle members, responsibility is shared and the agenda is focused on the group rather than on personal interests.

Image by Dimitri Brooks

engage collaborative conversations

method: the world café

Engage a living network of collaborative dialogue around questions that matter in real-life situations. Encourage each person’s contribution, connect diverse people and ideas to make collective wisdom visible.

The conversation format uses the atmosphere of a “coffee table” to foster interaction and dialogue, particularly in large and diverse groups. It adapts well to different purposes such as information sharing, deep exploration, action planning and relationship building.

link and connect ideas

method: the open space technology

Open Space Technology (OST) is a methodology of running large group meetings or events around a central topic of interest. Open Space Technology is is designed to be highly participatory, inclusive and collaborative.

This format is excellent for contexts such as exploring a topic with a diverse group of people, kick-starting strategy development, conflict resolution, consultation with stakeholders or deep learning.

It works best in a situation where there is a real issue of concern to the participants, a great complexity of elements, and a diversity of players. OST is used worldwide for groups from 10 to 1000+ people.

the world café - open space technology - conversation circles - appreciative inquiry - story harvesting -

the world café - open space technology - conversation circles - appreciative inquiry - story harvesting -

✺ frequently asked questions ✺

  • What transforms a meeting into a circle is the willingness of people to shift from informal socialising or opinion-based discussion into the attitude of thoughtful speaking and deep listening. Meeting in a Circle is a meeting of equals.

    The three main principles of the Circle practice are: 1) speak with intention, 2) listen with attention and 3) tend to the well-being of the group.

  • Collective insight evolves from honouring unique contributions, connecting ideas, and listening into the middle.

    Remember: the knowledge and wisdom we need is already present and accessible!

  • Participative methods allow to engage participants in intense collaboration right from the beginning of the process. For example, The Open Space Technology is designed to create time and space for people to engage in deep conversations around issues of concern to them.

    In Open Space, events begin with an open agenda. Participants co-create their own agenda, and offer to “host” sessions on topics they consider important to see through.

  • In many contexts - especially professional ones - we equal conversation to debate and discussion.

    Fundamentally, the difference lies in making the choice between thinking alone and thinking together. In our society, the usual way of thinking is thinking alone, which can easily move us into either telling or debate. Sometimes, we find ourselves defending our views and positions against opposing views.

    Dialogue on the contrary is based on the assumption that there is room for all perspectives, and unless all perspectives are expressed and honoured, the underlying wholeness cannot emerge.

  • The purpose of participative methods is to engage collective intelligence to find better solutions together. Facilitating such gatherings is more like hosting or “holding space”, thus allowing the solutions to emerge from the wisdom of the group. It means engaging in four-fold practice: being present to what is happening in the moment; engaging in conversations; hosting conversations; and co-creating with others.

  • Participative leadership methods are particularly useful when working with complexity. When designing participative events, some key conditions need to be in place for collective wisdom to take place.

    In a rapidly changing context, it is important to stay adaptive and work with what is emerging in the moment.

    Ground conversations in an authentic need and a clear purpose.

    Create psychological safety for people to engage in an authentic listening and productive ideas exchange.